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how to fit your trucks
In this episode Cam will show you how to fit trucks to your skateboard.
We'd like to say a big thank you to Butters Skate Shop for letting us film in their shop and Cam from Rubicon for his time and expertise.
how to fit trucks to your skateboard
what you'll need
Gripped deck
Nuts & bolts
Skate tool
Allen key/Phillips head screwdriver (depending on the bolts)
step 1
Put the bolts through the holes. Do four at a time, enough for one truck, then do the second set afterwards.

step 2
Taking your truck, guide it onto the bottom of the screws. This will be easier if you place your other hand on the screw heads to hold them in place. Ensure that the nut, cup washer and bushing of the truck is facing the inside of the deck.

step 3
Take the nuts and screw them onto the bolts loosely (finger tight).

step 4
Place the Allen key/Phillips head into the thread on top of the bolts. Using the skate tool, turn the nut on that bolt until it is tight. Be careful not to over tighten here, we are looking for the bolt to be flush with the top of the grip tape, nothing more. Repeat for the remaining 3 bolts.

step 5
Repeat on the other side.

step 6
...And you're done!